Thursday, September 22, 2016

Best NFL Handicapping Betting System

After signing up to Zcode Betting service, go to the "Top Performing Automated System" page which is under the "Hot Trend" tab at the top of the website. Once there, you should be presented with the ranking table of the best automated sports betting system and how much money each of them have earned over a selectable period of time.

As of September 22nd, the best NFL betting system is " NFL underdog Money" by Pawnbroker. Over the past 3 month, this system has accumulated $9,417, that is if you were betting $100 as 1 unit. 

This system would sometimes ask you to bet 3 units which is $300, on a specific match based on its high trust system and $300 may be too much for you. The good news is that you can bet $10 as 1 units and can still make a good profit but it won't be the same amount of money listed on nthe ranking table above.

2)To check out the number #1 ranked system, just click on where it says "Pawnbroker Investments system" which should direct you to the page where all the system betting signals will be listed about 1 hour before the game start. I circled where you should click on picture below. Don't click on "NFL Underdog Money."


3) Once you click on "PawBroker Investement" it should bring you to the PawBroker main page where he has listed all his systems, and it is on this page where you should look for "NFL underdog Money" to click on...Picture below shows you where to find it and click on it.

I circled in red where it states"NFL Underdog Moneyline"...This is the system you want the page to feature so that you can only see bets for this particular system.

After you clicked on it, click on "Select Trend To Follow" in which I circled in blue...A list of Pawbrokers will be listed..Just un-check all of them and keep "NFL Underdog Moneyline" checked.

Once you've done these 2 things, the page should be ready to onl generate and list sports betting pick for only the "NFL Underdog Moneyline."


Below is current profit graph for the "NFL Underdog Moneyline"

Below is the 30 days profit graph for the NFL Underdog Moneyline Betting system



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